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Ken Pfeil

Ken Pfeil
Phone: 719-328-6300
Fax: 719-260-1049
Address: 2015 Wickes Road 80919

Principal's Message

Welcome to the Difference @ Trailblazer Elementary School!

At Trailblazer, students and staff are co-creators in our unique Westside learning experiences. Learners participate in daily opportunities to collaborate, problem solve, create, and apply tenants of the D11 Graduate Profile to real-world situations to ensure they are prepared for success.  With that, a shared leadership model at Trailblazer inspires strong participation in our new strategic purpose and our focus on place-based education. Trailblazer students, community, and staff build an intentionally inclusive culture in which we share successes and challenges, and continue to motivate each other to improve.  The personalized difference at Trailblazer opens the door for all of our learners to be included.  We advocate for strong and engaging learning experiences and expeditions with a supportive culture of safety, kindness, respect and responsibility.

Come see #theDifference. I look forward to meeting with you soon!